SEO for Fashion Brands & eCommerce Websites

Croud Luxe Marketing Team

20th May 2024

~ 12 min read

Exploring the importance of SEO for fashion brands

Many luxury brands have traditionally de-emphasised fashion SEO. They didn’t attach the same importance to it as they did social media and pay per click (PPC) advertising. In a way, that makes sense. After all, with social media and pay per click, you can set up a campaign quickly and analyse whether it’s getting the results you want within a day. SEO takes much longer to bear fruit and is harder to track.

But, in the last 12-18 months, we have seen renewed interest from fashion businesses in ecommerce SEO. That’s because 44% of people now use Google search to start their online shopping journey. 23.6% of eCommerce orders come from organic searches. To see the long-term benefits, check out this article on how Tiffany drives significant traffic to their e-commerce site via SEO by making it easy for their target audience to find them via organic search.

We’re Croud Luxe Brands, a London SEO Agency for Luxury & Premium Brands, and, in this article, we cover:

  • The fundamentals of SEO strategy for fashion ecommerce businesses
  • Why backlinks matter for your business
  • How long search engine optimisation strategies take to work

When It Comes to Fashion SEO, the Fundamentals Remain the Same

Google is intentionally vague about its site indexing policies because it doesn’t want people to game the system. Its exact algorithms are commercial secrets. That said, it makes it clear what it does like through press releases and what it focuses on when it does update its algorithms. 

Our SEO experts at Croud Luxe have years of experience experimenting on how to get the highest possible rankings for online stores. Through trial and error, we have discovered which low-hanging fruit online businesses should target first so that they get the quickest results. We then follow this up by embedding proven SEO techniques at much deeper technical and creative levels to ensure long-term consistency of results.

Below, we share with you seven SEO tips to make sure your category and product pages are as thoroughly optimised as possible to rank highly on Google:

1. Keyword Research

A keyword is not just a word. It can be a string of words. So, in the way that “skirt” (120,000 searches a month in the USA) is a keyword, so are “mini skirt” (44,000 searches) and “satin skirt” (9,000 searches). Diving further in, there are other keywords like “tennis mini skirt” that gets 1,200 searches and “satin skirt with slit” that gets 350 searches.

Key to choosing the right keywords for your site is understanding search intent. Search intent is why a searcher is looking for information. It could be that they want something and they’re doing research to see what options are right for them. It could be they know their options and they’re trying to decide the right choice for them.

For e-commerce stores, the keywords with the best search intent are those which indicate that they’re ready to buy. More often than not, they are “long tail keywords” like “satin skirt with slit”.

Keywords that feature greater detail like style, colour and even era are much more commercially valuable than short keywords like “skirt” for two reasons:

  1. By being so precise about what they’re after, they have made their choice. Now the decision is who they buy from.
  2. There’s a lot less competition for long-tail keywords meaning that they have a much better chance of landing an immediate page one finish.

From the perspective of the user experience, it’s better too. Someone searching for “satin skirt with slit” wants to get their results straight away and not have to sift through page after page and site after site to find what they want.

2. On-Page SEO

If it’s hard for potential customers to find what they want on your site, it’s hard for Google too. Google has a “crawl budget” – that’s the amount of time it spends indexing pages on an individual website.

The best way to ensure Google indexes as many pages as possible is to keep your site structure simple. The more pages it indexes, the more opportunities you have to compete for rankings.

Keeping women’s, men’s and children’s wear separate as well as accessories is a great start.

Go for a structure like “Home > Womenswear > Clothing > Skirts”. This has four distinct and logical hierarchical levels and is much easier to navigate for Google and your visitors than a fashion site with eight or nine levels.

Bake structure into your URL structure as well. This echoing emphasises the structure Google finds when it’s crawling giving it more confidence on what’s actually on a page. In this case, it would mean a URL like “ name)_(garment name)”

Complete the title tag and meta description for every page. This is important because this is the text that potential customers see on the search engine results page.

One thing Google looks out for when crawling sites is internal linking – when one page on your site links to other pages on your site. You can tell Google which pages are more important by internally linking to them more often.

3. Site Speed

Google has always considered technical SEO and its effect on how quickly a website loads in its rankings. This is even more so since the introduction of the stricter Core Web Vitals set of standards.

Your site needs to be fast, especially in the ultra-competitive fashion industry. Potential customers should not have to wait long for your site to appear, whether they’re visiting you via a desktop or a mobile device. The more they wait, the higher your bounce rate (how many people visit your site and leave without doing anything, including visiting a second page). Conversion rates on slow websites are lower across the board too.

Because more of us access the internet on our phones, Google now prioritises users’ mobile experience so make sure that your site is “responsive” and mobile-friendly. Responsive layouts automatically present web pages to fit different screen sizes.

WordPress, although a very popular web building tool, can be very slow. If you have to use it, spend extra on very fast servers or, better still, a content distribution network.

If you can, consider a more modern design platform like Shopify, Webflow, BigCommerce or Magento all of which can lead to faster loading speeds.

4. User-Friendly Product Pages

As well as fast downloading, you need to provide your user with a quality experience on your site.

Use the highest-quality images and videos to showcase your fashion products. Make sure the name of the product is clearly displayed. Make it as easy as you can to choose different pattern, colour and size options ensuring that the price refreshes upon the selection of a variant.

Always use “alt tags” on the images contained on your product description pages too. These tags describe to users who have impaired site what the image is showing.

On a related topic, brands should optimise for Google Lens. Google Lens is an AI-driven image recognition tool. In April 2022, it was used 8 billion times around the world. Users open Google Lens and use the camera to frame the object they want to identify. Google then returns results of objects it believes match the image sent by the searcher.

Accurate “alt tagging” helps Google understand better what an object is as does adding structured data.

5. Image Optimisation

Nothing can slow down a website more than uncompressed images. Remember that your images and videos are being displayed on a pixel-based screen – they don’t need to have the same depth as a printed catalogue or brochure.

There are a wide range of compression tools available, many now built into web design and development platforms like Webflow. If possible, go for newer file formats like “webp” instead of the more traditional “png” or “jpg” formats.

6. Creating Enticing Copy

Pay as much attention to creating high quality content for your product pages just as much as you do for the other pages on your site.

Give the fullest description possible of each product, if possible marrying it to the heritage and history of your brand and the lifestyle customers see your brand as a gateway too.

The use of FAQ can help a webpage rank. To get inspiration for what to include in your FAQ, open an incognito window in Google Chrome, search for your product and use the “People Also Ask” questions.

Many retailers are now shaking up their product selection pages. For example, check out the third row on this Under Armour product selection page where they provide a quiz to help visitors find the ideal footwear for them. Brands should also consider replicating Fleetfeet’s inclusion of text describing product categories at the top of their selection pages for SEO purposes.

7. Colours, Fonts and Brand Consistency

Particularly important for online fashion retailers are colours and fonts. Remain brand-consistent across your site so that it matches with your offline brand expressions (like on store fronts, shopping bags, on-the-page advertising and so on).

Make sure that your call-to-action buttons stand out on the page. If possible, colour-code buttons so that one colour signifies making a purchase, another colour booking an appointment, another colour leaving an enquiry and so on.

Keep Adding New Content

Earlier, we mentioned Google’s “crawl budget”. The greater the number of new pages and volume of revised information it finds every time it visits your website, the more budget it allocates. If you don’t keep the site updated, then organic traffic will generally fall after an initial burst.

Content marketing offers fashion brands an excellent opportunity to target more relevant keywords not covered by their product range. Blogs and longer-form pieces of content also provide great internal linking opportunities to showcase particular products you want visitors to see.

As well as covering lifestyle information, keep visitors up to date on the latest fashion trends and news about your company and the products you’ll be launching shortly. 

Don’t Forget CRO Best Practices

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is essential for ecommerce brands in the fashion industry focusing on SEO because it not only enhances user experience but also significantly increases conversion rates. With CRO, fashion websites become more user-friendly, ensuring faster load times and an effective display of products, which is critical in retaining visitors. This improved user experience leads to reduced bounce rates, positively impacting SEO rankings. The core objective of CRO is to elevate the percentage of visitors who engage in a desired action, such as making a purchase, which is where a well-placed Call to Action (CTA) can be influential. It’s not just about the capability to drive organic traffic through SEO; it’s about funneling users effectively through your conversion process to the checkout and eventually converting that traffic into sales.

By optimizing their websites, fashion ecommerce brands ensure that potential customers arriving via search engines are more likely to respond to CTAs and make purchases. Additionally, CRO provides deep insights into customer preferences and behavior, crucial for fashion brands to understand which products or styles resonate more with their audience. These insights can guide content creation, making SEO strategies more targeted and effective. Furthermore, the combination of CRO and SEO offers a comprehensive approach to online marketing. SEO attracts the traffic, and CRO focuses on what happens once that traffic arrives, ensuring not only visibility but also enhanced profitability and effectiveness in the digital marketing strategies of fashion ecommerce brands.

Selecting the Perfect CMS

Choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) for an eCommerce brand involves a careful comparison of various key factors. This assessment section covers popular platforms such as Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce (for WordPress), and BigCommerce. The comparison focuses on aspects like user-friendliness, customisation and scalability, pricing, as well as SEO and marketing capabilities.


Shopify stands out for its intuitive user interface, making it an ideal choice for newly established fashion brands. Magento, on the other hand, offers a more powerful but complex system, which is better suited for teams with web development experience. WooCommerce is user-friendly for those already familiar with WordPress, although it does require some technical knowledge for customisation. BigCommerce is similar to Shopify in terms of user-friendliness and is suitable for non-technical users.

Customisation, Flexibility, and Scalability

In terms of customisation and scalability, Shopify offers customisable templates, but deeper customisations necessitate Shopify Plus which can be leverage to efficiently scale with business growth. Magento is highly customisable and scalable, making it ideal for large businesses that require specific modifications. WooCommerce, being open-source, is extremely flexible and scalable, though it may require more maintenance as the business grows. BigCommerce offers good customisation options and scales well, comparable to Shopify in accommodating business growth.


Shopify provides various plans, more affordable for smaller fashion brands, but costs can increase with the addition of extra features. Magento’s community edition is free, but its enterprise version and development costs can be high. WooCommerce, available as a free plugin, incurs additional costs for hosting, themes, and plugins. BigCommerce offers clear and straightforward pricing plans, similar to Shopify.

SEO and Marketing

In the realm of SEO and marketing, Shopify has good SEO capabilities, although advanced features may require additional apps. Magento is strong in SEO and advanced marketing tools but requires expertise to fully utilise its potential. WooCommerce offers excellent SEO capabilities, especially when augmented with plugins, and integrates well with WordPress’s blogging platform. BigCommerce includes robust SEO and marketing tools, making it a comprehensive choice in this aspect.

How Fashion Brands Are Leveraging AI for SEO and User Experience

Fashion brands, as is the case for organisations across all sectors, are increasingly leveraging AI to enhance their SEO strategies in several innovative ways:

  1. Predictive Analysis for Trend Forecasting: AI can analyse search trends, social media patterns, and consumer behavior to predict upcoming fashion trends. This allows brands to create content around these trends in advance, positioning them higher in search results as the trends become popular.
  2. Image and Video SEO: Fashion is a visually-driven industry, and AI significantly enhances the SEO of images and videos. AI tools can automatically tag images with relevant keywords, optimize file sizes for faster loading, and create descriptive alt texts, making them more discoverable in search engines.
  3. Enhanced User Experiences with Personalized Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots on fashion websites offer personalised interactions, responding to user queries in real-time. This not only improves user engagement but also boosts SEO through enhanced user experience metrics.
  4. Collaborative Filtering for Personalised Product Displays: Online clothing stores are increasingly using AI for collaborative filtering to analyse user data and to show the most relevant products possible. By understanding individual preferences and browsing behaviors, AI suggests items that users are more likely to be interested in at that time. This not only improves the shopping experience but also contributes to SEO by increasing user engagement and the likelihood of return visits.

Incorporating AI into their website optimisation strategies allows fashion brands to offer a more personalised, responsive, and user-focused online experience. This approach is crucial for maintaining visibility and competitiveness in the dynamic online fashion market.

Remember, SEO Takes Time

It can take 6-18 months for SEO to have a transformative effect on the number of visitors your site receives. You can track how you’re doing using the following SEO tools:

  • Google Analytics. Add the analytics tag to your website to receive live reports on traffic and where it comes from.
  • Google Tag Manager. These code snippets allow you to track conversions, marketing campaigns, Facebook Pixels and more.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights. Provides suggestions on how to improve page speed on both desktop and mobile versions of your site.
  • Google Trends. Previously called “Zeitgeist”, Trends allows you to track the relative popularity of keywords and search terms over time.
  • Keyword research tools. Use Ahrefs and SEMRush to better understand which keywords to target.
  • Writing tools. Although the jury is currently out on AI-generated script and Google’s ability to detect it, tools like SurferSEO and Clearscope can help your copywriters decide which keywords (including long-tail) to include in text.
  • Heat mapping tools. Understand better how visitors interact with your site by understanding where they scroll to, what they click and what they look at the longest.

Although social media has no direct influence on SEO, it’s a highly effective way to market and amplify your site while you’re waiting for your pages to climb up the rankings.

Work with a luxury brand industry specialist

For over 10 years, Croud Luxe has powered SEO campaigns for online fashion retailers, helping to drive traffic and revenue.

To integrate search engine optimisation into your digital marketing strategy for your fashion website, please contact our SEO services team. We look forward to working with you.

SEO Content – Performance Marketing Agency.

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